Fort Mill Now highlights local businesses, events, and life in Fort Mill, South Carolina and surrounding areas.
Have questions, suggestions, or interested in promoting your business?
We want to hear from you! Email us at fortmillnow@gmail.com
See what we're all about! Visit us on Instagram and Facebook.
Fort Mill Now was created in 2017 and is run by Fort Mill resident Anna Culver. She and her husband Sam have two kids and enjoy sharing their local adventures and experiences, which is how this small business began!
When they moved here in 2016, they were looking for things to do. It turns out, Fort Mill has a lot going on, but at the time there was no one place to find it all. Enter Fort Mill Now that began with a simple Instagram post in February 2017. It's now a digital resource dedicated to providing information about local businesses and events in the area.
Anna was born and raised in Jackson, MS. She received her BA in Journalism and PR from the University of Mississippi, worked in corporate marketing and communications for ten years, and now manages Fort Mill Now full time.
All content is captured with her phone, because Anna likes for the content to be relatable and authentic. The goal is that you know what's going on in the community so you can support local and enjoy everything Fort Mill has to offer.
Thank you for trusting me to promote local businesses, highlight local life in York County, and provide a personal take on restaurants, shops, and events in the area.
I'm passionate about our town and community, its progress and development, its history and future, and I appreciate your support!