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6 Healthy-Habit Tips and What to Expect at the Heart Healthy Bash on Feb. 20

Join Piedmont Medical Center on Feb. 20 for a Healthy Heart Bash where you can meet cardiac care physicians that will cover information and tips for living a life that protects your heart. You can ask questions while enjoying heart healthy hors d'oeuvres, wine, and vendor resources. This event is FREE. Gather your family and friends, and register today!

February is Hearth Health Month so we're reviewing six healthy-habit tips from the Mayo Clinic:

1) Control your portion size​​. FMN tip: Attempt to eat 1/2 or 3/4 of what's on your plate.

2) Eat more vegetable and fruits FMN tip: Try meatless Monday.

3) Limit unhealthy saturated and trans fats FMN tip: If you actually read the label, good for you! If not, this is a good time to start understanding and realizing what's in your food.

4) Reduce the sodium in your food FMN tip: Most food ordered out is served with salt; try not adding salt to your meal once it hits the table.

5) Allow yourself an occasional indulgence every now and then FMN tip: What's worth it? The apple fritter from Sweet Dough, the breakfast sandwich from the Gateway Canteen, chocolate chess pie from Local Dish, a milkshake from Hobo's, or a specialty latte from Olive's Mud Puddle.

6) Schedule an interview with a registered dietitian nutritionist to talk about this! FMN tip: It always helps to talk things out; let a nutrition guide you toward a healthier heart.

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, causing about 1 in every 5 female deaths? With that recent discovery thanks to Piedmont Medical Center, I've decided to take the above tips into practice and hope you'll join me!

To help get you started, see our 2019 article on how to Cook Your Way to a Healthy Heart!

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